Our People | Alexander | Paisley
"I think I've shown others and myself that I can do it on my own."

I’m Alex, I’ve been living on my own in a flat owned by Key Housing on Espedair Street in Paisley for 2 years. which has flown by. I thought it was time to move to a flat on my own because I’d had a bad experience with someone I was living with before for many years. I know Paisley really well so it was not a big move to an unknown place. I love living on my own. 

My family were quite worried about me moving to a place on my own because the flat I lived in before had more support. I was quite nervous about going to live on my own for the first time, I was mainly worried that I might be lonely. I used to get out quite a lot and I had a job in a cafe in the hospital, but because of Covid I wasn’t able to work there any more. Once I was in the flat though, I wasn’t worried about being alone anymore. I like spending time on my own and getting to do what I want with my time. I also keep up with all my chores when I can, too. 

It’s been great to have my own flat and decorate how I want. I love to spend my time doing jigsaws and once they’re finished I get them framed and hang them up in the flat. I even did one that I gave away to the McFarlane Trust team. I’ve got a snooker table for the spare room and that’s a fun way to spend the time. I also love to draw and colour in, it’s really relaxing. 

I have staff that visit me and Heather gives me a phone call almost every morning just to check that my health needs are being met and my appointments have been made. 

I’ve got some great plans for 2022, I’m looking forward to maybe booking a holiday this year. I’d like to go to Silverstone to see the racing as I really like Formula 1. Hopefully, if it’s on this year, I’d like to go see the Edinburgh Military Tattoo.

My advice to someone like me who is living in shared accommodation but isn’t enjoying it is that you’ll learn so much about being independent by living alone. I love it, I have so much more time and space to do what I want to do – help is always there if I need it from the super support staff Stephen, Evelyn and Heather, but I love being independent. I think I’ve proven any doubts wrong – and have shown to others and myself that I can do it on my own.
