Our People | Gavin | Paisley
"Oh when the Saints go marching in "

Gavin Fisher has lived at Gartmore Road since April 2010. During his time being supported by McFarlane Trust, Gavin has become a massive St Mirren FC fan. Gavin holds a session ticket and looks forward to being supported to attend matches. At the matches he loves to cheer his team on and be involved in the atmosphere. 

Gavin was recently nominated by his Team Leader, Stacey, as a deserving buddy for a competition run by Digby Brown Solicitors. The entry explained how Gavin had previously attended St Mirren matches with his good friend Harry. The lockdowns made Gavin unable to support his team and sadly during this time Harry passed.

Gavin was selected as one of three winners and was invited to the SMISA Stadium just before Christmas. He was given an access all areas tour of the stadium and received a calendar signed by all the saints. He was also presented with a highly in demand away strip by International and St Mirren player Declan Gallagher (Scotland) and goalkeeper Trevor Carson (Northern Ireland). Gavin enjoyed a chat with the players and sang them a song. During the tour Gavin also received a home strip by the staff at St Mirren.

After all the excitement Gavin asked to go for a curry at his favourite pub, The Last Post, and talked about his experiences. Gavin has put his calendar proudly on his wall in his bedroom and likes to speak about his visit.
